Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 My Year

2014? Well I strongly consider this year as being mine. ALL mine! I turn 18, 5 days from now. I graduate high school, bittersweet. I start college, excited & nervous. And well this is the year everything change for me, everything is going to be different. There are good things to come but as all goes, everything that happens in between is uncertain. I believe 2014 is literally the starting process of me shaping out the rest of my life. It's make it or brake it. Deep stuff huh? And yeah, I'm pretty darn scared about it all! But even through the fear I have now I'm more determined than ever!  I WILL make it. I WILL succeed. I WILL survive. & I WILL smile through it all. I am going to make the most of what I got so that I can have more of what I want. I'm ready for this. So yeah, 2014 is my year!                                                                                                   -Joyniece  

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